Many medical conditions can cause eyelash shortening, including blepharitis, a condition in which mites and bacteria infect the lash line. Eczema, psoriasis, and certain thyroid disorders can also disrupt the normal growth cycle of eyelashes and cause them to fall out at a faster rate than usual. It's common to see eyelash hair fall out when you experience increased stress. This type of hair loss is called telogen effluvium and can be caused by illness, emotional stress, or an event such as surgery.
Stress causes more eyelash hairs than usual to enter the “teleogenic” or resting phase of their growth cycle, leaving thinner eyelashes. One of the most common eyelash problems is having short or plump natural eyelashes. Short eyelashes can be caused by a variety of factors, such as genetics, age, and rough treatment. No matter why your eyelashes are short, it's possible to get longer and thicker eyelashes by following some of the best practices.
Your eyelashes can get shorter and thinner. There are several reasons why this can happen, from poor makeup removal to rubbing your eyelashes, genetic reasons and aging. Even if you get an A for your beauty efforts, certain medical conditions that are beyond your control can cause your eyelashes to fall out. The most common reasons include an overactive and underactive thyroid gland, as well as other hormonal changes.
In addition, alopecia areata, an immune disorder in which cells attack hair follicles, causes eyelashes to fall out. This condition can affect the eyelashes, eyebrows, scalp, and other places where hair grows. If you suspect an underlying medical cause, see your doctor, as some may require advanced care. The lack of eyelashes (madarosis) may suggest a serious pathology.
When it's drastic and occurs as part of alopecia areata, it's a significant emotionally traumatic event. However, the loss of a few eyelashes may go unnoticed, but should not be ignored, as it can indicate a serious illness such as scleroderma, discoid lupus and hypothyroidism. It can also be the result of trauma, chemotherapy, and infections, such as shingles and staph. Another reason for thinning eyelashes is simply having eye irritants.
If you rub your eyes constantly, you will eventually irritate the follicles. In addition, there is pure scientific reasoning about eyelash thinning, which includes family heredity, taking certain medications, and certain medical conditions. For any major concerns related to your eyes, you should always talk to your family doctor or optometrist. While this effect can be impressive during the day, it also causes eyelashes to become brittle and more likely to break.
There are several different factors, such as medications or bad habits when removing makeup, that can also cause eyelashes to fall out. Mascara works by tightening eyelashes. If you push them against the pillow while you sleep, your eyelashes may break because they are already brittle from applying the mask. This extends from hair on the scalp to hair on other areas of the body, including the eyelashes.
The eyelash follicles are less stimulated as hormones decrease, which slows eyelash growth as a result. Other Reasons to Thinner Your Lashes If you're reading this and you're telling yourself that you're not old enough to have thin eyelashes, there are a few other reasons why your eyelashes could be thinning. Chemotherapy, for example, will cause hair loss all over the body and this is likely to affect the eyelashes. Sleeping with eye makeup, especially heavy mascara, can cause eyelashes to fall out and also lead to bacterial infection.
However, research has shown that vigorously rubbing eye makeup can be a major cause of eyelash loss. Aging and menopause are the main factors that cause shorter eyelashes due to specific hormonal imbalances that affect the hair follicle growth cycle. When the underlying cause is blepharitis, you will be informed about eyelid health and hygiene to prevent future dry eye diseases and for your eye health and, in the case of short eyelashes, serums to enhance the eyelashes and, at the same time, maintain eyelash hygiene. However, eyelash loss can indicate an underlying disease and, in some cases, a serious condition that warrants further investigation and treatment.
Many eye drops that contain preservatives can also exacerbate blepharitis, such as glaucoma drops, eyelash enhancement serums, eyelash extensions, eyelash glue, and many components of eye makeup. .